Hi everyone. I just built a new computer and I used a ASUS P4C800 Delux Motherboard. When I am booting up at the start screen with the fat ASUS head it beeps. 1 low 1 high 1 low. I looked in the manual and it has nothing for this so far as a trouble code. I took the cover off of the case and when I booted it up the first time it gave me 1 short beep, which the manual said was ALL THINGS GOOOOOD. SO I got excited. Then, the next time, the stupid beeps came back. Thanks for all the help.


Wear headphones with music loud enough to drown out the noise when you use your computer.
It sounds like a small error that can be lived with, but maybe that's just my reputation speaking.

No problem haha

lol, But I still know it is beeping at that kills my soul! lol Thanks for the tip though.


lol, But I still know it is beeping at that kills my soul! lol Thanks for the tip though.


so does it bootup into windows or just keep beeping.

You bios is AI bios and it has this function ,maybe it needs to be enabled first .

ASUS POST Reporter~
A voice warning design during POST notifies users of any system errors, which means no more complicated LED messages

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