I have a Dell Computer - probably around 4 years old. A week ago, when I came home from work, their was a screen telling me I had an error and had to reboot. I thought it was no big deal - so I proceeded to reboot. When it started to boot up - all I heard was a clicking noise and then received this error:

Primary 0 drive not found

It gave me the option to press F1 to continue or F2 to run the setup utility

Either pressing F1 or F2, it brings me to the BIOS screen.

I looked though the setup section and under drive configuration it lists my Primary master drive as "unknown device"

In the boot sequence section as number 2 it says "Hard disk drive (not installed)

Anyone have any suggestions on what I should do? I'm concerned with trying to get some of the data off of the hard drive as well as whether it is really dead and if I need to buy a new hard drive.

Ok first try opening up the system.

Disconenct the IDE cable.

Disconnect the power.

Let it sit.

Disocnenct the power from the PC and let this sit as well.

After about 5 minutes plug it all back in and see if comes back.

I have seen this with Dells before... specifically Dimesnions..

Thanks....I will try this tonight and let you know how it goes.
Yes, I have a Dimension. 8300 I think it is.....

Figured as much.. Simply notorious for this type of behavior.

I would not panic. It is that stupid weak power supply they cheaply put in those units.

I have a Dell Computer - probably around 4 years old. A week ago, when I came home from work, their was a screen telling me I had an error and had to reboot. I thought it was no big deal - so I proceeded to reboot. When it started to boot up - all I heard was a clicking noise and then received this error:

Primary 0 drive not found

It gave me the option to press F1 to continue or F2 to run the setup utility

Either pressing F1 or F2, it brings me to the BIOS screen.

I looked though the setup section and under drive configuration it lists my Primary master drive as "unknown device"

In the boot sequence section as number 2 it says "Hard disk drive (not installed)

Anyone have any suggestions on what I should do? I'm concerned with trying to get some of the data off of the hard drive as well as whether it is really dead and if I need to buy a new hard drive.

Uh ih. That was the "Click of death". In all probabilities, the hard drive has crashed. Recover your data from backups. If the machine is in warranty, you could ask Dell for a new hard drive.

You could also try out the techniques mentioned here:


If the hard drive is making noise now then yes it is possible it is shot.

but I have seen DImensions do some pretty crazy things.

SO I would not rule ANYTHING out at this point

Figured as much.. Simply notorious for this type of behavior.

I would not panic. It is that stupid weak power supply they cheaply put in those units.

Well I would panic. I work for Calstatela tech dpt and we had exactly the same problem. I tested the hard drive in another working computer and it dint even recognize it. So is DEAD, it makes a sound when is trying to run.

The power supply theory, I tested it. I disconected everything "cd drives, floppy ect" and it dint recognize the hard drive so is not the power.

bin it dells are shite

bin it dells are shite

Gotta love scientific, logical explanations like this

hi there i was reading your comment about dell and i have the same problem and i disconnect the power as you said nut no luck i have dell but not dimension it is optiplex 100 can you help

it is almost certain that you need a new hard drive.

hi i work for dell xps dont worry if you are willing to buy a harddrive i'll give you a coupon to have a discount.

by the way did you resolve your problem already?
ran diagnostics by booting to F12 advanced boot options
and ran harddrive diagnostics
how ever for those issues reseating it is the best troubleshooting step
if it shows 2000:0141 it means hdd should be replaced
0142 it was not detected 0146 replace the hdd

You might try to download Hirens Boot CD 10.0, it has a neat little program
that boots into a mini XP OS. You might be able to see your data and save
it to an external drive, such as a thumb drive, dvd burner, or a Ext HD.

good luck, sounds like your drive went south...

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