I have a Dell Computer - probably around 4 years old. A week ago, when I came home from work, their was a screen telling me I had an error and had to reboot. I thought it was no big deal - so I proceeded to reboot. When it started to boot up - all I heard was a clicking noise and then received this error:
Primary 0 drive not found
It gave me the option to press F1 to continue or F2 to run the setup utility
Either pressing F1 or F2, it brings me to the BIOS screen.
I looked though the setup section and under drive configuration it lists my Primary master drive as "unknown device"
In the boot sequence section as number 2 it says "Hard disk drive (not installed)
Anyone have any suggestions on what I should do? I'm concerned with trying to get some of the data off of the hard drive as well as whether it is really dead and if I need to buy a new hard drive.