I was wondering if there's a way that I can recover data from a storage drive that crashed. The only problem is that when I insert my old HDD the PC freezes at startup right by the beginning of the POST (in fact it shows the model of my Asus motherboard when I switch the pc on and freezes right there).

Do I now have to take it to a company to recover my data in a "clean room" or is there another way to recover the data?

You can try putting it into a zip seal bag then put that into your freezer for 24 hours. Professional data recovery is very expensive indeed. Freezing it may get it working for an hour or so if you are lucky!

you can do that with ur own hands by downloading the icare recovery software

Recovery software will not work on a drive that is not recognized!

I've tried the "freezing in a sealed bag" method but still nothing. I've thought of maybe trying a program like Recuva - but there is no use in trying the software if the drive isn't recognized...

One of my crashed drives is probably damaged beyond repair as it freezes the pc at startup, I might be able to recover the data on the other one. Will definitely try icare.

Thanks guys!

you can try with spinrite, it doesn't rely on bios to handle the disk.
The program run's from a boot cd, and will go on reading each sector up to 1000 times, to recover and move data from damaged areas (might take a few weeks for a large disk with lot's of errors)

If that program can't find your disk, you only option left (that I know of), is to send it of to some specialized company like ibas.

On second thought, the pc might freeze if the circuit-board on the hdd is burned or short circuited, in which case you can't recover anything with software.

If that program can't find your disk, you only option left (that I know of), is to send it of to some specialized company like ibas.

I think that'll be my only option - but it's usually really expensive. Looking for as many cost saving options. If all else fail I might have to take it to a data recovery centre.

@ jak0b - thanks - will try spinrite as well.

please note my additional edit:

On second thought, the pc might freeze if the circuit-board on the hdd is burned or short circuited, in which case you can't recover anything with software.

please note my additional edit:

It seems more likely that that might be the case - I sincerely hope not - that's going to shake my pocket quite a bit.

The moral of the story. If you can't afford to loose it, back it up!

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