OK... This time I really managed to screw things up. I downloaded a program called FREE-BROWSER http://www.lilsarge.com/FreeBrowser.htm.

While installing it I got a message saying something about problems regestering a file and unfortunately I didn't write it down but I chose the option of RETRY, and then it said theb installation was complete and to restart the computer.

Well... after restarting, my wallpaper will load, my taskbar will flash once and then all I have is a wallpaper with no icons or anything.... I don't even have an ERROR message. When I hit control/alt./delete it shows nothing is loaded and I get the option to shutdown/restart. Rebooting several times has produced the same results. I can move my mouse... but that's about all I can do.

I am now at the library and will attempt to download a BOOTDISK from BOOTDISK.COM and put that in the floppy and just see what happens.

Any suggestions? evidently I stupidly forced a file onto my PC that has interfered with my Windows and unfortunately I don't have my Win98se CD. Hopefully I will be able to correct this issue.

One more thing.... how are issues like these fixed when you don't have any ERROR MESSAGES to work with?

So.... what do i do now?

Thanks in advance



When you hit ctrl+alt+delete choose the Applications tab and at the bottom-right, select New Task... . Now type: explorer.exe.

If that works, chances are something is going wrong with explorer at startup. Now, if that doesn't work, then who knows what’s exactly wrong, but you probably have a corrupt system file or two, or twelve. But you're not going to get very far without your CD. If you had the CD, I would suggest running the system file checker, which would replace any missing or corrupt system files. Considering no CD, I suggest you either find a copy, or just upgrade to XP.


OK... Well, the BOOT-DISK I created didn't work. I thought that they basically force Windows to start-up but evidently that's not the case.

I have had a few issues in the past where I was able to restore my PC to working order by finding the correct files in my CAB files. Of course, since I am getting no error message, that's not possible in this situation.

Thanks... I will try the above.

One more thing... Do BOOT-DISKs usually work?



Well... evidently, I made the BOOT DISK incorrectly. I downloaded it to the desktop and then sent it to the floppy without correctly extracting the files to the floppy. Also.. I have to check to see if the bios startup sequence is set to see the floppy before the HD. No wonder why it didn't work.

I'll post back with my results.

Thanks.... :)


One more thing.... I emailed the developer of the Browser and asked him if he could give me a list of files that came packaged with the program that could possibly affect Windows performance in some way. He gave me a list of 4 of them. They are as follows......


Could the wrong version/missing/corrupt instance of any of those files cause my whole operating system (Win98se) to become non-functional. Those file names are foreign to me because of my very limited knowledge about computers.




Here are the specifics for the four files you mentioned.
Short of performing an experiment, and actually deleting these files from my Win98 system, I would say yes to you question regarding the operation of Windows diminishing after such an event.

As for the fix, did you ever boot into Win98 setup? What you need to do is get yourself to a command prompt and have your Win98 CD ready. With the CD in the CD-ROM drive, type sfc /scannow at the c:\prompt. Reboot, and you should be fine. Otherwise, post with more of your problems.

Not that it’s my business, but what the heck are you doing with Win98 anyway?


Hi... Thanks. Well, I have always had Win98 and am very comfortable with it. I do plan on upgrading soon though.

I have a BOOT DISK but eveidently my computer boot up sequence doesn't see my floppy "A" drive.

I have been told that you can go into the BIOS and change the sequence so the PC will "see" the A drive first... but I have no idea how to get to that SETUP screen where you can get into the bios.

Can someone tell me how to get there? I can get to the screen that has Safe mode, Command prompt etc.... but I don't see anything about set-up or bios there so I guess it's somewhere else.



BTW... I do not have my Win98se CD. :(




Ok before we go any further, what are you planning to do once you boot into the Win98 setup with the floppies? You don't have the Win98 CD! I don't understand what you expect to do.


Well.... I would think that once I got the PC to boot up... to some degree, that I would maybe be able to do some kind of SEARCH to some of the DLL files that have been suggested to possibly be causing this problem.

It has been mentioned to me that a particular file (shdocvw.dll) could possibly be involved in producing some of the booting up "symptoms" I am experiencing.

I emailed the developer of the browser, and he said that that file DOES come with the program. It's one of 4 Windows DLLs that ship with the program.

If I was able to boot up the PC, would I be able to do some pretty decent SEARCHES for those DLLs in question?

thank You



To answer your question, I have no clue. Before we can talk about what you’re going to do once you boot up your computer, we need to talk about how you’re going to get it to boot.

Did you ever get BIOS to recognize your A: drive? In order to do this, you'll need to change the system Boot device order. Somewhere within your BIOS setup utility you'll see something related to Boot Order. I recommend the following order:
A: (floppy drive)
C: (hard drive)

At this point, I think it’s important for you to understand something. There is nothing on the Win98 Boot Disk that allows you to start Windows 98. The tools on the disk are good mostly to re-install the Windows 98 operating system, but this requires the use of the Win98 CD-ROM. I digress.

Once you get that order down, you can now boot the Win98 setup using your boot disk. Once you get to the screen, I don’t remember what you’ll see, but since you’re looking to replace .dll files, I’m sure there is an option for the command prompt. The Setup/Boot disk is essentially DOS with added functions, i.e. programs. From the command prompt you’ll probably want to use some copy commands to copy the new .dll files from their source to the required location on your hard drive. I SERIOUSLY doubt that the changes made to your system that have rendered it useless are a result of one, let alone a known, .dll file. In other words, I don’t think you’ll solve the problem copying fresh versions of the handful of .dll files you have on your list.

Again, you would have a much easier time just finding a copy of Win98. Hell, I alone have 2 different copies of Win98. I wouldn’t mind creating an ISO for you to copy and burn for the purposes of fixing your system. Just let me know and I’ll give you more information about it. In my opinion, you are lost without it.


Thanks... for all the help. J Search... I will definitly keep that in mind. Thank You. :) Well... ahile back I had another DLL that was giving me a problem starting up my system. I think it was MSVCRT.DLL .... but I'm not sure.

Anyway... although I had no Windows CD, someone directed me to look in my CAB files, and I found that DLL. The problem is, it was the WRONG VERSION and when I replaced it with another MSVCRT.DLL file I had on my system, I was able to BOOT-UP normally again.

I think that this might be a similar situation. Of course, I am not sure how to go into these CAB files and navigate around without being walked through.

Thanks again....


Thanks... for all the help. J Search... I will definitly keep that in mind. Thank You. :) Well... awhile back I had another DLL that was giving me a problem starting up my system. I think it was MSVCRT.DLL .... but I'm not sure.

Anyway... although I had no Windows CD, someone directed me to look in my CAB files, and I found that DLL. The problem is, it was the WRONG VERSION and when I replaced it with another MSVCRT.DLL file I had on my system, I was able to BOOT-UP normally again.

I think that this might be a similar situation. Of course, I am not sure how to go into these CAB files and navigate around without being walked through.

Thanks again....



Thanks... :) Problem is solved. Here is the fix that did the trick.

From the startup menu (tap F8 at startup) select Command Prompt Only.
At the C:\> prompt type

cd windows\system (hit enter)

At the C:\windows\system prompt type

copy shdocvw.bak shdocvw.dll (hit enter)

You should get a "1 file copied" message.

Hit Ctrl-Alt-Delete to restart. See if this restores your desktop.

I'd like to thank all who offered their support for helping me out with this issue. Now... I'm back in business :)

Thank You


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