i dont know much bout computers, but i need help fixing one
i was messin around with the pins in my computer (award something or other, with a p3) when the processor fan sparked and stopped running.. and started smelling bad
it worked but the fan wouldnt turn, so i tried to pull the fan out and replace it with another one from another computer, but in the process of trying to pry it out with a screwdriver and pencil, i think i accidentally jabbed my motherboard. I replaced the fan, and accidentally left the ram out (had to remove it to get the fan out) and it started beeping.. so i replaced the fan with the old non-working one, put the ram back in and now my computer wont start (the leds are always on - even when the computer is "off", the harddrives + cd drives start up and everything seems to be working properly except for the fan, and theres no beeping sound, and no signal to my monitor)