I have new hard drive when i put windows xp cd in it only comes up with
ibm secure data disposal utility 2.0
ibm remote deployment manager 4.1
date time of execution 10/27/05 12.30.39
comand executed a:\scrub3.exe/d=all/1=1
return code....................................0
please help i dont know to much about computersi thought xp would automaticaly install

I have new hard drive...

No, you have a used hard drive :mrgreen:

What you're seeing is a message from a utility which is used to perform "secure" wipes of hard drives. Large companies often use such tools to thoroughly erase sensitive data from computers' drives before disposing of them. In other words, it looks like your hard drive is "recycled".

In any event, the message means that your computer is bypassing the CD-ROM drive and trying to boot directly from the hard drive. There could be a few reasons for this:

1. The boot order specified in your computer's BIOS is set to boot from the Hard drive before trying to boot from the CD-ROM. To resolve this, enter your BIOS setup and adjust the boot device sequence such that the CD-ROM is tried before the hard drive.

2. Your BIOS is set to boot from the CD before the hard drive, but your XP install CD is damaged in some way. Not being able to boot from the CD, the computer proceeds to attempt booting from the hard drive. Try the install CD on another computer.

3. The CD-ROM drive itself is h0rked, causing the computer to bypass it during the boot sequence. Probably the least likey of the possibilities, but worth mentioning.

No, you have a used hard drive :mrgreen:

What you're seeing is a message from a utility which is used to perform "secure" wipes of hard drives. Large companies often use such tools to thoroughly erase sensitive data from computers' drives before disposing of them. In other words, it looks like your hard drive is "recycled".

In any event, the message means that your computer is bypassing the CD-ROM drive and trying to boot directly from the hard drive. There could be a few reasons for this:

1. The boot order specified in your computer's BIOS is set to boot from the Hard drive before trying to boot from the CD-ROM. To resolve this, enter your BIOS setup and adjust the boot device sequence such that the CD-ROM is tried before the hard drive.

2. Your BIOS is set to boot from the CD before the hard drive, but your XP install CD is damaged in some way. Not being able to boot from the CD, the computer proceeds to attempt booting from the hard drive. Try the install CD on another computer.

3. The CD-ROM drive itself is h0rked, causing the computer to bypass it during the boot sequence. Probably the least likey of the possibilities, but worth mentioning.

the hard drive is used could you please tell me how to acess the BIOS setup and change the order. i have tried the cd on another hard drive and works fine .

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