Hiya Everyone!

I am trying to install two hard drives on my system. A 7200 rpm IDE drive and a 10000 rpm SATA drive. I want to load my OS off the 7200 and use the 10000 rpm drive for gaming. It's been about 5 years since I have built a computer and I am having some problems. If I set my IDE drive on primary IDE on the MoBo and then plug in the SATA drive, will I be able to do this without a problem? Can I run my OS off the 7200 and only load games on the 10000?

Any advice?


Yep, no worries. Depending on the motherboard chipset, you may need to load SATA controller drivers in order for Windows to detect the SATA drive, but this should be done for you when you install the motherboard chipset drivers after installation of Windows (or you'll have a native SATA controller and require no drivers at all).

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