
I have a Dell Latitude D830. It is three years old. When I plug in the AC adapter (only on campus, which is very weird) I get the blue screen of death with the following error message:


It's very odd that it only happens when I am on campus. I have been using it all day at home with no problems.

I tested it yesterday on campus. It ran fine on the battery for an hour. When I plugged in the AC adapter, I got the blue screen after 10-15 minutes.

From what I have read online, it looks like I need to flush the BIOS.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

If you pc isn't going into BSOD as soon as you plug in the AC adapter, it might not be related to that.
a BSOD 15 minutes later, can be anything else. :)

The error suggest a driver issue, and you should search for updated drivers.
I am using SlimDrivers my self, which is free, and works fine.


itcould very well be a failinjg battery. If the voltage across the actual compyter is wrong (due to incoherent battery and charger ratings) then it is likely the computer will hang. low battery can give a variety of wrong readings and messages. Try to test with aonther good battery

itcould very well be a failinjg battery. If the voltage across the actual compyter is wrong (due to incoherent battery and charger ratings) then it is likely the computer will hang. low battery can give a variety of wrong readings and messages. Try to test with aonther good battery

Mjdodd, I accidentally flagged yourpost as a "bad post". Sorry about that.

I only seem to get the error when I plug the machine into an outlet at my University. It seems to run fine when I am at home. This is what is so strange. I don't think it could be a different current at my school, but I am no expert.

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