I'm trying to burn a CD and the software program says the following:"No available CD-RW devices."

I know my HP Writer is working fine.

How do I get the software to recognize it?
If someone could offer step by step instructions that would be great.

Thank you.


What Software package are you using to burn? What operating system....??

What kind of CD-R's are you using?

Are you using ez-cd creator? i had a few drives that for some odd reason wouldnt be detected by it..but i just used nero like i should have been doing and it worked just fine,

hope u r hp writer is connected with cpu but i think u r cd writer is simpally connected in to cpu but the data cable is not connected properlly with it,this can cause such problems,another problem is connection of power cable frm smps to cd writer,pls ckeck this

hi i am shyam .i think it is not the writer's problem, it will be the s/w of the write problem .better you change the software

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