A friend asked me to help him install a second hard drive that already contains a ton of data on his computer. I suppose he wouldn't have needed my help if everything worked like it should.
Anyway, here's the fun stuff: It's a Dell Dimension 8200. The master hard drive is a Western Digital 1200, and the new slave is a Wester Digital 2000. Once I attach the slave drive to the IDE cable, BIOS can't find either drive. "Primary hard drive 0 not found". If I tell BIOS that there is a Primary hard drive 1, then I get the message that neither is found. Once I disconnect the slave from the IDE cable, it boots up just fine.
So you know, I've switched the jumper settings back and forth to Cable Select, Master/Slave, and Master with slave present/Slave. To be honest, I am only guessing that both WD hard drives have the same jumper settings, as only the slave drive has the jumper diagram.
Also, I've done the Alt+F thing, and it doesn't detect either hard drive if they are both plugged in.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!