My computer will not turn on. First, let me tell you that just before this problem occured my daughter, in frustration over our internet service being interrupted, decided to unplug and replug everything on the back of the computer (including the power cord). I have checked the wall outlet and it's OK, and I have looked inside and all the cables are in place. I have noticed a green power light on the motherboard lights up when the unit is plugged in, however none of the fans turn on when the power button is pushed. None of the disk drives or monitor has power ... nothing. I first thought it was the power supply, but now I'm wondering if it's the power button or the motherboard. I have an ASUS A7V8X-X motherboard. Any ideas?? Thanks!

I don't know how unplugging and replugging power creates an issue, but I smell either a hint of unintentional sabotage or a motherboard's connection to the buttons split.

Your buttons can be tested, if you think it's that connection: The lower-right corner of the motherboard has a series of pins and connectors that one could pull out. According to your motherboard's manual, you have 20 pins (2 rows of 10) in this corner. You need to pull out these two (the +'s ;) ):
[- - - - - - - - - -]
[- - - - - + + - - -]

These are your ATX power pins, the ones connected to the power button (not reset button). After removing them, stick something metallic and conductive (i.e. silverware) between the two and see if your machine boots. It's another way of making a circuit, which is the purpose of the button.

If not... this is not a RAM, proccesor, or even peripheral issue. You're either dealing with a bad button connector, power supply, or motherboard (including BIOS issues). However, I'm leaning, like you, onto the bad button. Reply back, and best of luck.

Thanks for the suggestion. I tried it but nothing happened. The only thing I noticed is that the cooling fan on the motherboard twitches once oh so slightly when the power button is pushed. Would the disk drives or anything else work if the power source is good but the motherboard is bad?? Not sure how to determine where the problem lies because I know the motherboard is getting some power as indicated by the power indicator light. I'm tempted to buy another power box and try it, but was hoping there is a way to determine if that is the problem.

If the power was good, all your fans and peripherals would begin to spin and hum at the bootup.

sounds like a trick I used to play on my techie friends, there is a switch (usaly red) in the same genral region where the power chord plugs in, that should be set to 110.
some times if that is set to the Euro setting the computer won't boot.
Was the computer on when she unpluged the computer?
Also I'd see if you could swap the power chord with another one

I did check that setting and it's 110. Yes the computer was on at the time she unplugged and replugged the computer. The power cord seems OK because the motherboard lights up when its plugged in.

I guess if there no more troubleshooting ideas then I will start replacing parts starting with the least expensive power source (and cord) then a new motherboard.


Wait... so she unplugged and replugged when the computer was active... kay... that made things a lot worse. It's no longer a button issue, that's for sure.

Instead of flicking the I/O button on the power supply, unplugging a cord produces... um, dead motherboards, and dead power supplies to follow (the typical order of casualty).

You can definitely go by the cheaper replacements first, but I truly recommend something by Antec. I've never had a problem with their power supplies...
Make sure you get an ATX-size power box, somewhere between 300-450 watts. (Depends on fans and number of devices, etc. Aim toward the 450 if you're loaded on hardware.) Try that out. If it doesn't fix anything, at least you have a solid power supply.

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