There is no writing on my computer and it keeps doing crash dumps. If I click on a window it will open a white screen but there is no writing. Is this a virus? Can I restore?

So, does the computer boot OK into Windows? When exactly does this problem occur? Have you recently installed something that cause this issue to start? If so, have you tried a system restore to a point in time before installing the software?

Is this a virus?

It may or may not be. hard to tell at this point.

need more info, but in the past I have had identical problem where screen font colour and background had both reset to white and for humans white writing on white background is difficult to read.!

Hi! there. I haven't use my computer for 8 months. After that when I switch on, it gives a long beeb 2 times and automaticaly off itself. I have checked the memory, H.D.D, CPU and cleaned the motherboard but no use. Please help me in this metter.

Hi! there. I haven't use my computer for 8 months. After that when I switch on, it gives a long beeb 2 times and automaticaly off itself. I have checked the memory, H.D.D, CPU and cleaned the motherboard but no use. Please help me in this metter.

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