I have a problem with a laptop. it hangs on something and then when i try to reboot, it wont reboot except in safe mode. the first time that it happened was just after i had updated windows, and i thought that the update had caused it. this is a hp pavilion with scan to web software and there were problems with one of ( or several ) of the updates from Microsoft. anyway the problem resolved itself and i thought that everything was ok, but now it is starting up again only this time it isnt resolving itself.
the stop screen has the following info:
STOP 0x000000D1 (0x00000000,0x00000002,0x00000001,0xF83CD67D)

I have uninstalled all spyware/antivirus software, and have tried selecting the no paging file option under performance options in system information. also looked through the eventlogs, but I didn't really know what to look for and i didn't see anything that looked obvious.

I have been to the troubleshooting guide for windows stop errors at aumha.org and went through several things that may have been close , but i haven't been able to resolve the issue.

I would be very grateful for any suggestions
thanks in advance

You have driver issue on your hands. (kind of, obvious)
Try disableing display driver in your device manager. (in safe mode).

If it manages to reboot, uninstall the disabled driver and re-install it.
If not, reenable the driver and take a look in event viewer (will have to enable administrative tools in "taskbar and start menu" settings) where you can see a log of things that failed on your system.
Even better way is to look under "problem devices" in Programs/Accessories/system tools/system information to see the list of drivers that failed to start.

Please, post your findings.

gott it!
I had noticed that the problem seemed ot occur when i was tryingot access the internet, so i disabled the network adapter. bingo, it booted right up so i uninstalled the adapter and scanned for new hardware. everytihgn seems to be working great.

That went painless.

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