I'm sorta new at this thing. so here goes

I recently upgraded an old comp of mine to a 3.2 gig processor,150 gig hard drive, 512 memory stick. It has 2 cdroms on it (one burner and one reader). I installed xp on it and it ran well for about a month. Now it will suddenly not boot.

The intersting thing is the cpu cooling fan. Now sometime it cuts on and stays on. But sometime it will barely turn. Now if i'm correct I heared if it get's too hot it will shut off the computer. That's why I am not worried to much about the processor.

Note: the computer will not post even with the hard drive disconnected.

any ideas. Any help would be most apreciated

could be a power problem ,not getting enough power will cause this ,can you try another power supply,as for the overheating if there are settings in bios to shut down when it overheats it will shut down ,if not it will fry cpu before it shuts down !!

ok I tried another power supply and I stil got the same result

I wonder what could be the problem

Now if i'm correct I heared if it get's too hot it will shut off the computer. That's why I am not worried to much about the processor.

well you should be worried ,if you have been running it without a fan you may have fried the chip ,hard to say excatually what is wrong ,i suggest getting a computer repair tech to look at it for you

You better change your processor FAN, if you don't then the
3.2 processor will die soon because of heat. After that if you
PC still not booting up you have to re-install you XP operationg system

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