If you are plugged into a surge protector or UPS, try plugging it straight into the wall. If killing the power for a few minutes doesn't do the trick, it sounds like a hardware failure. Could be faulty power supply, or mainboard as the first possible culprit. I would suggest getting it looked at by a competent technician.
noface0711 0 Newbie Poster
Abhijit_5 -2 Newbie Poster
Stevbld 0 Newbie Poster
Abhijit_5 -2 Newbie Poster
rproffitt commented: Only thing wrong is dredging up a 10 year old post. You buried your post. -2
Abhijit_5 -2 Newbie Poster
Harsha_2 0 Newbie Poster
Isaac_11 11 Newbie Poster
Tawsif_1 0 Newbie Poster
Rafael_8 0 Newbie Poster
Mark_70 0 Newbie Poster
JON_11 0 Newbie Poster
Reverend Jim 5,145 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster
Jacob_13 0 Newbie Poster
AKKS123 0 Newbie Poster
AKKS123 0 Newbie Poster
Oliver_10 0 Newbie Poster
Addy_3 -7 Newbie Poster
samarth_2 0 Newbie Poster
samarth_2 0 Newbie Poster
Sir Gonville 0 Newbie Poster
Anonymous_3 0 Newbie Poster
david.phillips.902 0 Newbie Poster
ponderoso51 -4 Newbie Poster
rproffitt commented: 15 years later may be too late. -4
Fr@nkyfrank 0 Newbie Poster
rproffitt 2,693 https://5calls.org Moderator
rofa_1 -3 Newbie Poster
chapme22a 16 Newbie Poster
rproffitt commented: As you suspect, few will find this request. Make a new post with details such as make,model,age. +16
UWInsure 34 Newbie Poster
Dani commented: What's the difference as long as it goes on to help other people? +34
Al-Fareed 0 Newbie Poster
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