ok its a custom built system
AMD 64 bit 3200
1gb (2x512) PC3200 Corsair XMS
MSI 5600 Nvidia graphics card
Maddog sound card (i think i cant remember for sure)
ASUS 500w Power supply (fairly new)
Windows XP sp2
Ok it all started like this, a few months back my power supply popped tripping the breaker in the house, and giving off a nice burnt smell in the room. I got the new power supply installed and all seemed to be ok. After a few months we started noticing a lot of blue screen errors, IRQL_Not_Less_Or_Equal, Bad_Pool_Caller, Paged_Error_In_Non_paged_area. They started out slow and have increased to several times a day.
So i was finally fed up last night and i decided to open the box and see what i can see. First thing i did was get the air duster out and blow the 10 tons of dust around, needless to say i needed more air to get it completely clean. I took out each stick of ram and blew the dust out and off really well around the ram, then the video card (these two things being what i believe to be causing the Blue screen errors). I put everything back took the box back in plugged it all back in powered it up it started to boot up then stopped and gave me a flashing power light. So i open it back up and take out one stick of ram, and move the other one to slot 1, plug it all back in power it up boots up fine. then i get an error about winlogon.exe could not read memory blah blah blah (a smart person would have written this error message down, thats not me). I click ok and try to login but its unresponsive so i hit the reset, it boots up fine with no errors. I click the user icon to login and just as it starts to log in i get the abrubt shutdown with the ever blinking power light. Here in my thinking is where i say its time to try the other stick of Ram. I power it down and swap out the modules, power it up and it boots up super fast, and it wants me to start in safe mode. This all works fine and i dont see anything that catches my eye. I restart it with another perfect boot, login it completely logs in, goes through all of the start up stuff and appears to be working like a champ, i try to start a registry clean program and boom abrubt stop with the power light blinking after it had been running for a few minutes. I power it down and the power it back up it boots up i log in and before it can finish the startup programs it stops again. I try again 3rd times the charm....wrong answer.... it doesnt even boot to the windows login screen and stops again.
so here i am can anyone tell me what they believe is going on with this beast?
thanx in advance