hey i just built a new comp i have an Asus A8R-MVP deluxe mobo and it was working fine but after a few days when restarting for installs and updates it seemed to hang everytime and i eventually found that clearing the CMOS by switching the jumper allowed it to start up again but now sometimes it hangs and clearing the CMOS only seems to be a temp fix because it never restarts can anyone plz help??? :rolleyes:


dude i gave you some could you just please tell me how to fix this

dude i gave you some could you just please tell me how to fix this

Don't demand help. We're all here as volunteers on this forum. Ask nicely, and maybe someone will offer advice.

Try clearing the CMOS by taking out the battery, that might work better than flipping the jumper. Also, are you sure you configured your motherboard correct? Make sure you do exactly what the manual says. I don't know what else to suggest.

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