We have two laptops with a power cord problem. When you attach the cord to computer sometimes it works but most times it flickers until it goes out. The battery never stays charged because of this.
I've had this problem for about 2 years now and so has my friend! I have to wrap my cord around the computer and shove it into the side of my couch to put pressure on it. Anyone having any luck getting them to recall?
I don't have a gateway lap top but I just saw this link in google -
Gateway Inc. Recalls Notebook Computer Batteries Due to Fire Hazard ( June 19, 2007)
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Gateway at (800) 292-6813 between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from thousands of types of consumer products under the agency's jurisdiction. The CPSC is committed to protecting consumers and families from products that pose a fire, electrical, chemical, or mechanical hazard. The CPSC's work to ensure the safety of consumer products - such as toys, cribs, power tools, cigarette lighters, and household chemicals - contributed significantly to the decline in the rate of deaths and injuries associated with consumer products over the past 30 years.
To report a dangerous product or a product-related injury, call CPSC's Hotline at (800) 638-2772 or CPSC's teletypewriter at (800) 638-8270. To join a CPSC e-mail subscription list, please go to https://www.cpsc.gov/cpsclist.aspx. Consumers can obtain recall and general safety information by logging on to CPSC's Web site at http://www.cpsc.gov.
Also saw this for Gateway repairs -
9 Jun 2008 ... Are you in the lookout for a professional Gateway laptop repair company in the US that can help you with express repair and replacement? ...
Perhaps the moral here is
"you only get what you pay for .."
Isn't it so true? We all buy the cheap computer to save money so we can goto the casino or to the races or buy other expensive things but when it comes to the things that are really important, don't we short-change ourselves?
First off let me say i agree Gateway is purposely not addressing this issue that is obviously a design / assembly issue.
second, this is just my story of my power port problems and progressing story thus far.
i purchased a cx2618. it was great until it fell off the bed (thanks kids) and landed on the power cord head, which of course pushed in the port. it was loose but would charge sometimes in the right position. then a key popped off, i tried to replace it - without knowing about the special hinge. i had replaced keys at work for co-workers a few times - all with good results. so a couple of years go by and i see a new (CX2756) one just like my old one GREAT!! i thought. so bought it, figured i didnt need the warranty as the older one lasted well beyond it's warranty. i was wrong. this one was pulled off the desk by the cord by a dog (busy household) and fell on the cord head (again!!!! !@#$) except this time higher fall, no charging, no matter what position. at that time i looked and couldnt find anyone to replace for less than 7-800$$ they stated it wasnt the port that was the issue, but the complete tear down and rebuild. one night i got very upset at having two same issue pos's. i took my dremmel (dont recommend to others) and cut that portion of the cover very carefully. in fact the second one i did (new one) i was able to adjust th ecut to include one hold on screw so i could replace the piece i cut. I found out that the port on the new one was toast. i touched it and it fell off. the older one though had just been pushed back in it's metal "sleeve/case" when i was able to re-allign the port, it worked almost as good as new. over a perios of a couple of months though, it stopped working altogether. I am taking both pc's to repair shop today to see if they can easily replace both ports, now easily accessable.
I will report again as this progresses, if anyone is interested
first time sent it in under warranty was not happy, lost data etc
now abot a year later starting again, very angry , won't buy gateway again.
how could they POSSIBLY do warranty work and not fix the problem
this is so dangerous I have important data, someday i'll leave it on and the power will go out without me knowing and i'll come home and my computer will be dead
laptops are too important to be so crummy. i wasn't flipped out the first time but i just cant believe they didnt fix it for good. cheaters.
Hi, I have a Gateway Solo 1450 laptop and it seems to have a repeated problem with the power port breaking off inside the computer or loosening. Gateway will "fix" it for about $250 each time it breaks. This is the THIRD time it's broken and once again, Gateway's customer service people deny that this is an issue of poor design. However, I've noticed that LOTS of people with Gateway laptops have had this problem, so I believe it IS a problem with Gateway's power supply design. I am looking for all people who have had this problem because if we all come together, we can insist that Gateway fix it without us having to pay so much money each time. For me, it's not even about the money as it is the inconvenience of having to mail my laptop to them and then not having it to use. If you have had a similar problem with a gateway, please let me know. Thanks!
Yes, I have a totally non-functional power port on my Gateway laptop!
It irritates me, because everything else works fine, if it just had power!
Gordon Zeller
85434 Dilley Lane
Eugene, OR 97405
email: zeller@live.com
PS I believe that Gateway ought to fix their problem for FREE, including s&h!!! Just as with an automobile recall...
I'm sure it doesn't break just by looking at it. Maybe you are too rough with your laptop or you man-handle the plug into the power port.
i have the same problem I can charge the battery on another gateway and use mine but it will not run on the power supply at all, nor will it charge the baterry, and I'm not spending 250 to fix it but i would like to find a simple solution
Hi, I have a Gateway Solo 1450 laptop and it seems to have a repeated problem with the power port breaking off inside the computer or loosening. Gateway will "fix" it for about $250 each time it breaks. This is the THIRD time it's broken and once again, Gateway's customer service people deny that this is an issue of poor design. However, I've noticed that LOTS of people with Gateway laptops have had this problem, so I believe it IS a problem with Gateway's power supply design. I am looking for all people who have had this problem because if we all come together, we can insist that Gateway fix it without us having to pay so much money each time. For me, it's not even about the money as it is the inconvenience of having to mail my laptop to them and then not having it to use. If you have had a similar problem with a gateway, please let me know. Thanks!
I have an M -Series lap top and I believe I am experiencing the same problem. I am hit and miss with whether my power will kick in and it appears to be getting worse. Any updates on the situation with Gateway?
I have been trying for the past 2 hours! to get in touch with Gateway to help me with my computer problem. Either the number was no longer in existence or the question re my serial number was not accepted and I was referred to the web site, which was no help. I even tried to buy a new one on line, but there was no answer.
I bought the thing from Future Shop. How dare they sell this kind of stuff and still expect us to continue being their customers?
Anyway, I shall buy a Mac and I am hopeful that the problem will be solved.
Manfred Winter
Many of you have Gateway MA3 / MA7 (MX6xxxx / MT6xxx) notebooks that don't power on at all. Some of you have replaced your jacks, only to find out that the problem remained.
This problem is due to a short in between the layers on your board - but a skilled technician can still repair it. Precision Division in Clearwater FL repairs this problem in the Gateway MA3 / MA7 notebooks. I think they do it for about a hundred, but you'd have to call and check.
i have two gateway notebooks one wont power up at all, other one keeps charging i play the the power cord connection at back of laptop although i feel it wont last much longer
Email Precision Division at contact@precisiondivision.com
The initial diagnostic is completely free. As long as no one has disassembled and tampered with your laptops - both should be repairable. We can repair both units for you for $189.99 + return shipping (~20). From time to time, we get a gateway board that we can't repair - but that's not very often.

Here is the link for the service manual for the Gateway Solo 1450.
It takes several hours to replace the $5 power jack on the motherboard and the manual is a necessity.
Or you can send it to a technician and have the jack replaced for about $100. Google for Power Jack replacement.
Check the power supply adapter with a volt meter but I suspect the problem is a broken connection on the MB power jack.
We purchased a Gateway laptop in June and the power cord would not stay in. As soon as I moved around alittle it disconnected. We took it back (under warranty). They replaced something inside (kept it 2 weeks). We brought it home & tried it... same problem. So we took it right back (today). I am writing this post on the loaner that I insisted on. We ask that the computer be replaced, Best Buy said no. This loaner is also a Gateway and has the exact same problem. I have to put a rubber band around it to keep the cord plugged in. I am in for filing a class action suit.
I have the exact same power cord problem since I bought my Gateway laptop. I've created a Facebook group, for what it's worth.
I am in for a suit as well!
I just bought the Fusion Universal Notebook Adapter and it works quite well for now. I think the problem is with the adapter that Gateway is selling with its laptops. As I said, it never did fit well, from the day I bought the laptop.
I have a gateway Mx6453, and all i keep having trouble with the charger input, won't take and keep a charge, i kept twisting my last chargers' cord till i finally broke the wiring inside the charger, now with a new charger i can't get my laptop to take a charge and keep charging, also my gateways monitor keeps flashing to indicate, when you plug your charger normally the brightness changes, then you unplug it, it goes into power saving mode, so i believe that the charger is trying to charge but the connection is loose. please can anyone help me, i could really use as break before i take my 12 gauge to my gateway... :)
I have a Gateway solo 1450 laptop that i purchased used (fixed income, cant afford new stuff) and in two months i have had it i got a week of use due to same type of power supply problems. Battery not charging, loose jack to plug power supply into the computer, sudden power failure, .ow now power-up at all. Just the red power but zero response when i push the power-on button. Taping the cord to tbe case, re-soldering the power jack to the mother board, etc. ect. I cant afford more repairs or another computer. Its a lemon for sure.
I incidentally have the same issue. I purchased this computer used and when I did I was not able to power on so fortunately I was able to get it at a parts rate instead of a more standard used price. I have dismantled it fully to discover the power adapter's plug free-floats and has a wire connecting between it and the MOBO. I was pleased initially since I didn't have to remove the lower PCB which contained many sensitive parts... but the same frustration has occured. I am under the impression that some of the less practical aspects of the connector has played a role, such as the fluted/grooved barrel and the folded wire where the center-post connects, I am considering modification of the charger since the intermittent charging conditions have also left the battery in poor condition.
Seems like all gateway laptops especially MX series have the same power jack problem there are videos on how to repair power jacks yourself here: http://powerjackrepair.org/gateway-power-jack-repair/
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