Hey everyone -
I have been trying to troubleshoot this machine for a year now.
It started with random strange images, then failure to produce a screen.... then a burning smell then failure to do ANYTHING!
Here's what I've done:
RMA'd/replaced the Vid Card - still nothing.
Replaced power supply - still nothing
RMA'd the ASUS P4P800 SE Mb - got excited thinking it would FINALLY work - still nothing.
Is it just a coincidence that the ViewSonic CRT monitor that accompanied the machine failed as well, or is it connected to the problem? I don't know. The machine was a year old when it started to fail me - of course the company refused to help me out, even though the first symptoms started 3 weeks before the actual year expired.
So now it's 2 years old, still not working, and I haven't even tried looking into getting the monitor RMAd yet. Overall it's been a big headache, and a 1300 dollar footrest- but somehow, I can't seem to give up on it. Call it cheesy sentiment, as the thing was a birthday gift.
Here is what is happeneing right now. I hooked it up next to me here, got a mouse and keyboard attached, gonna swap my monitor back and forth here... so here we go....
All that happens is a green LED on the MB lights up signaling that it IS receiving power, but other than that, nothing, no fans, no CPU, no monitor activity. I am pretty certain I have everything connected properly, and I refered to the MB manual when re-installing it.
Can anyone here please help me out? Or at least let me know if I would be better off dismantling it and selling the parts off...
Thank you all so much in advance!