I recently upgraded my pc with new memory. And not buying "Brand Name" but generic. My windows xp machine booted up with a error telling me that a file was missing or was corrupted.

Can someone please tell me what happened and how this is possible?????

Thank You Very Much !!

I recently upgraded my pc with new memory. And not buying "Brand Name" but generic. My windows xp machine booted up with a error telling me that a file was missing or was corrupted.

Can someone please tell me what happened and how this is possible?????

Thank You Very Much !!

download this file, http://www.memtest86.com/memt32.zip install it on a blank floopy and boot your machine from this diskette. You can see whether your new memory is faulty or not by this way. If memory is ok you may have to install XP from stratch. File corruptions is not rare if you dont shutdown windows properly. more info on memtest: http://www.memtest86.com/

Is the amount of memory reported in your bios correct?
In general, mixing brands of the memory modules is not the wise thing to do.

If your memory controller is dual channel, then the memory config must look like this:

slot 1 old mem
slot 2 new mem
slot 3 old mem
slot 4 new mem

I agree with the previous recommendations and:
I *ever* had trouble with no-name RAM, except the last time I bought some (I'm not learning from mistakes :cheesy:). But if you upgrade RAM, you probably have to reset the BIOS once to make it work. Sometimes it works without, sometimes scary stuff happens...

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