Okay, been having a problem with random restarts recently and it's really starting to irritate me.
Power Supply: ULTRA 500W ATX
Mainboard: MSI K7N2 Delta2 Platinum (nForce 2)
Memory: 2 - 512 MB Crucial PC3200 DDR DualChanneled (1 GB Total)
CPU: AMD Athlon XP 3200+ 2.2 GHz
HDD: Western Digital 80GB IDE & Western Digital 160GB IDE
Video: nVidia GeForce 6800 GT 256 MB
OS: Windows XP Professional Version 2002 SP2
If any more system info is needed, just ask for it.
I'm also having other problems with this system, namely the fact that it misreads the CPU as "AMD Athlon 1100 MHz" instead of what it used to, "AMD Athlon XP 3200+". The system is also incapable of properly restarting. In order to get a boot out of the system, I need to cut power for a few seconds, and then try again. Otherwise, it will not read 1. the processor, 2. the RAM, 3. the IDE drives, or 4. some combination of the others. In addition to the random restarts, programs will randomly crash with the Windows error report (FireFox has crashed 3 times while I was attempting to post this). Up until recently, Explorer would crash after about 12 seconds (average) after startup. I think I've corrected that, since i haven't seen it for a couple days. I'm running off a fresh Windows install (3 days ago) and have run every possible update from WindowsUpdate. I didn't expect that to fix the restarts, but it did fix a few things.
Any help regarding this situation will be greatly appreciated.