I just bought a new power supply for a new computer I'm building, it's a MIOS 500 watt. The person who sold it to me said that it had several SATA power connectors ( I didn't look in the box :-( ) When I got home and opened the box I discovered that it had only one SATA connector. I need at least 2 SATA power connectors, one for my optical drive and one for the sata hard drive.

My question is, is there an adaptor to change one of the ATX power connectors into a SATA one? Or are the pins / voltages different?

I did buy it in a hurry ( I hate when I do that ) so would it be better to take it back and buy a quality name brand PSU with the proper connectors? I paid $79 CDN for it!! The money is not at issue here and I don't mind spending more than $100 for a good PSU unit.

What does everyone think?



ive got a copy of the book by Haynes (yes, the car guys) - "build your ownn computer - second edition" and it has a pic on p53 of an IDE to SATA power adapter - you ought to be able to buy them from an electronics/computer component shop (in the uk id recommend somewhere like maplin, dont know about the USA)

ive got a copy of the book by Haynes (yes, the car guys) - "build your ownn computer - second edition" and it has a pic on p53 of an IDE to SATA power adapter - you ought to be able to buy them from an electronics/computer component shop (in the uk id recommend somewhere like maplin, dont know about the USA)

Thanks for the info jbennet :) I will look into the adapter availability here in Canada.

I might also take it back and get a better one :) Like a Thermaltake, a OSZ or a Cooler Master??? I'm wondering what the difference is with the better quality PSU's other than the price LOL!!!! Relalability / cleaner power etc????

Most of the better 500 watt PSU's units cost twice as much as the MIOS one I bought.


reliabilty is one

cheaper psus tend to break easier in surges and thier capacitators leak as they get older. more pricey ones also have more cnnections and are quiter e.g have sata cables and those ones for pic-ex graphics cards

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