I never thought I'd live up to my name, but here I am.
This is the first Mac i purchased because I was tired of Windows Blue Screens of Death. This is another story. I purchased an iPod 60 G about a year ago from a guy on Ebay. The iPod was to be pre-loaded with a thousand songs, a few movies etc. and I paid extra for this. I do make a back up of the pod as it arrives. Fast foward a few months.
I've synched my pod with my laptop. Everything is fine. I even purchase a bunch of TV series, music etc. and after a while I get a message from my laptop saying, your memory is running out.
No problem I think. I purchase an external hard drive, move all my pics aswell as iTunes music folder onto the external drive. I had no idea it was going to cause such major problems.
Now my problem is this - I have some music on the external drive that isn't on my pod. I have stuff on my pod that isn't on my mac. I have new stuff I purchased sitting on my mac and cannot update my pod because it "resets" everything because it reads my ipod/itunes set up as new and removes all my music.
In summation, I have 3 useless mechanisms for my music. How do I bring it all together without losing everything, especially the new TV series that I purchased? I am so frustrated!
I would appreciate any suggestions, really!!!!