Problem 1: I am trying to install XP SP2 (32bit) on my XPC 64bit Shuttle [500 GB Hard drive, 2 GB Ram]. During the install, Windows setup alerts that a large number of install files cannot be copied to the hard drive. I hit 'escape' to skip the install of these files. What could be the cause of Windows setup not finding or being able to copy these files to my hard drive? I've swapped out the CD-Rom and the hard drive and still have the problem.
Problem 2: Near the end of setup, computer stops and BSOD and stop error display with IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.
I also get these other 2 stop errors: PFN_LIST_CORRUPT and NONPAGE FAULT.... I am not able to complete the install of XP.
The disk is newly formatted. The machine is brand new and the components were all assembled by me (maybe that's the problem).
From my forum research, it seems that the problem could be either corrupt physical RAM or memory management.
Can you help me go down the right troubleshooting path please?