last night there was a storm where i live
i pulled out all my power cords but for get to pull out my phone line
so when i wake up in the morning and go to get on the net i find my ADSL doesnt work:sad: .... so i find the problem and fix it (buying a new modem) but now the ethernet card on my desktop doesnt show up and jest has and evil green light comming from it (even when the cord is unpluged)

Has any 1 had this problem before and if so how did they fix it???:D
any help would be very muchly appriecitated


Go to device manager in control panel and see if it recognices the card still.if litghning got your modem it might have got your card as well.

yeah it recognizes it but says it cannot start
.....i kinda hope itz dead now ..... good excuse to upgrade to wireless

get a new etheret card. a noname one is like £7.50 ($4?)

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