I have a Pentium M 1.7Ghz laptop, but when I opened a game to play it said I didn't have the minimum system requirements, and the only requirement that i didn't meed was the processor speed. It said the game requires 1.4ghz, whereas I have 0.8ghz. Is it possible that I have a 1.7ghz but for some reason have messed up somewhere and changed a system setup and am now running on 0.8?

Download SIW and see what it lists for your CPU.

Does that progrma tell me what I HAVE or what I'm running on? Because I know I have a 1.7 M. I'm just wondering if I've somehow "underclocked" it (if there is such a term).

Also, how do you access the BIOS upon startup? Is it delete, F12, F2, etc?

This utility will tell you more about your CPU than you can probably imagine. Try it, it's free, you'll like it.

To enter the BIOS, at the start up start pressing the delete key. The F keys are usually used to access safe mode.

f2 to access bios on ibm,compaqs,gatesways ,dell and such .

Also here is a free program that will tell you what the cpu is running at ,changes numbers right before your eyes .as you watch

unzip the program into a folder of its own ,it runs from the folder no need to install.with the program open go to tweaks in the top tool bar ,and click on real time clock checker .

PS ,safe program i have been using it for years now .

I stand corrected regarding the key to access the BIOS, I ain't never had wona them factory type built machines.

I had forgotten about CWPUID, good program. I did try your link and couldn't get either or the programs to download from there. I was able to download it from Major Geeks.

I was able to download it. When idle, my CPU's running at 598Mhz, and when active, it goes up to 1694.49. I don't know what that stupid game was telling me.

And DELETE doesn't bring the BIOS, neither does F2. It says press F12 to access ROM, but that's different, no?

did you hit the f12 to see what it does!

I stand corrected regarding the key to access the BIOS, I ain't never had wona them factory type built machines.

I had forgotten about CWPUID, good program. I did try your link and couldn't get either or the programs to download from there. I was able to download it from Major Geeks.

just click on the WCPUID330.exe and it will download .

Hu Caperjack, I feel like I'm busting in on someone elses thread here...but. The link that you provided takes me to the site with two options highlighted, wcpu330.exe . 268,491 Byte Win32
wcpu330.exe . From VECTOR(FTP) Win32. Neither one will download.

For me it's a moot point as I can and did get the download from Major Geeks. I was just wondering if anyone else was having a problem with it.

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