I just upgraded to vista and now my sound card needs driver but creative labs dont support the card anymore. does anyone know how or what i can do to make it work for vista?:@ thx for ur time in advance

should have waited.

lol....i got tired of waiting, but its on a seperate drive. i still have my original os on my default drive. the problems we are having is the same as when we all concerted to xp way back when, that is why i did a clean install on a seperate drive.

Without knowing the specific board that you are referring to I can only suggest that you google and see if anyone offers newer drivers. Often there will be someone with alternative drivers.

ty 4 the info.. nothing like a real response.

Hi, I had the same problem, couldn't find any vista drivers for my sound blaster 5.1 anywhere on the creative website. just when this was starting to get frustrating I noticed that one of the 13 updates that vista had automatically downloaded was a the driver for my sound blaster 5.1!!, so my advice would be to download all the microsoft updates for vista and you should be good to go. It's worth a shot it worked for me!!.

if microsoft offers the drive now it should work. but i have now move on to a different sound card. thx for the info.

Unfortunately I had the same problem. I have Sound Blaster 5.1 sound card. I bought the pc just 2 weeks ago and now the site says Creative no longer supports it. You can download a driver from Microsoft's site, but it supports only stereo. Not 5.1 channel!

i have the solution
simply use your xp driver for vista
to do this right click on driver's setup go properties-> compatibility
and check the box Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows Xp service Pack 2
then click ok
now you are able to install it your creative sound card on vista
install it and enjoy
for any problem
mail me at

commented: thank you +0

Sorry Faisal, that didnt work for me...It was one of the things I'd already tried out. It does install the XP driver under vista, but I wasnt able to get 5.1 audio..the output came as only 2.1.

Finally after getting a reply from Creative that development of the particular driver wasnt on the anvil anytime soon, I returned the 5.1 card, and got an Audigy 7.1...It does send 5.1 output to my 5.1 speakers.... ;)

Thanks for posting anyway!

i have the solution
simply use your xp driver for vista
to do this right click on driver's setup go properties-> compatibility
and check the box Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows Xp service Pack 2
then click ok
now you are able to install it your creative sound card on vista
install it and enjoy
for any problem
mail me at

just check your product brand website , and request them the updated driver .
definitely they will update it if the valid customer request for it

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