ei guys I'm new here can you please help about my laptop its Hp Pavilion DV6000, I was Installing my new Os when suddenly when it asked to format it... it stopped and message said: cannot detect hd etc...

can anyone knows how to resolve my problem... thank you in advance.

Good Morning Kurohide :-)

If you are getting cannot detect HDD during a format. First check connections. They may have condensation that has caused the connector to get loose.
After checking connections, go into the BIOS and see if the Hard drive is being detected by the motherboard.

Since it was half way through the process of formating you might have to delete the partition and reformat.

Hope that helps yah :-)

Rue B 2s De

thanks man, unfortunately I have checked all of my wirings... and its all okay. I think its got to have the same prob as the other thread here re: the DELL laptop got troubled formatting...

sorry guys... I still can't figure out what suppose to be the prob on my HD, I checked the "dell Laptop" thread, and the bios of Dell is different to my HP... there are no options for detecting HD there... its just "check HD" thats all... hope you guys can help me... Thanks.

Well if the Bios is not detecting the HDD and you've checked the connection and it seems well seated, I would replace the IDE cable first. Make sure the jumpers are set to Master or Primary and try again. BIOS should have an auto detect. If nothing, might have to replace the hard drive and then next try the laptop itself.

Sorry man yiekks

Rue B

well its like this... actually the bios doesn't have any access on the laptop's HD, its just have an option where in you could test the HD, well i think it doesn't have any prob within the connection or neither the bios, I think it has a software or driver for the HD....


Thank you. I have troubleshot PC and Laptops for 10 years. In my experience, this issue usually points to a connection issue or Motherboard problem.

It's good that you are still trying software issue. I did state for the Motherboard to detect if the hard drive is showing as connected. The BIOS lets you know this. It does not access information from the Hard Drive while in BIOS you are correct.

Try doing a FDISK see if you can delete the primary partion prior to reformating. If it states not device detected it defenatly is a connection issue.

Rue B 2sDe.


But... Can fdisk be executed from a USB flash drive?

You did not say it is a Flash drive read problem. Ok well Until I know exactly whats happening rather then guessing I will stop helping you. I only do this as a courtesey, you may want to talk to a tech support from the Manufacture. They only have a small charge but they need to know exactly the issue rather then having them guess what it is.

Good luck

ei guys I'm new here can you please help about my laptop its Hp Pavilion DV6000, I was Installing my new Os when suddenly when it asked to format it... it stopped and message said: cannot detect hd etc...

can anyone knows how to resolve my problem... thank you in advance.

Hello! I have just registered in order to reply to you. I was having the same problem with a HP Laptop witch I can't remember the model. For me the solution was to disable SATA NATIVE MODE. Try following the next steps. It should solve your problem.

1. Boot Your Laptop
2. Press F10 to go to BIOS Setup
3. Go to System Configuration Tab
4. Go to Device Configurations
5. Disabled “SATA Native Mode”
6. F10 for save change & Exit
7. Boot your HP 520 with Windows XP CD in CDROM

Nice to be helpful!

Ilidio Gonçalves
IT Manager and Systems Architect

my computer swiched off by it self when i try to install any program from a disk or from net pleas tell me what is the problem

I have had the problem with 250 gb hard disks when installing Xp .

Try installing Vista and it should work fine

Hello! I have just registered in order to reply to you. I was having the same problem with a HP Laptop witch I can't remember the model. For me the solution was to disable SATA NATIVE MODE. Try following the next steps. It should solve your problem.

1. Boot Your Laptop
2. Press F10 to go to BIOS Setup
3. Go to System Configuration Tab
4. Go to Device Configurations
5. Disabled “SATA Native Mode”
6. F10 for save change & Exit
7. Boot your HP 520 with Windows XP CD in CDROM

Nice to be helpful!

Ilidio Gonçalves
IT Manager and Systems Architect

Just registered to THANK YOU "Ilidio Gonçalves". Been struggling with a HP pavillion for abt 5 hrs, HDD not being detected by Win XP.
You saved my day 'cause its my niece's HP and she's got to finish a project by the day after tomorrow. Thank you soooo much and people like you are needed in this world. Thanks again!!

I face the same problem with hp pavilion laptop, but there is no "Device Configurations" in the bios options.

i cannot see HD at all,, the problem like this one.

hi guys

I have the same problem and figure out this problem after putting a lot of effort.

actually in BIOS there is no option like IMG said. so

U need third party compatibility support files/SCSI support files during your windows xp cd..

for this purpose
download the nlite software(helpful to made win XP bootable cd)

then download the DV6000 series related files from HP website include them while u made the win xp bootable CD through nLite s/w.............

Hello! I have just registered in order to reply to you. I was having the same problem with a HP Laptop witch I can't remember the model. For me the solution was to disable SATA NATIVE MODE. Try following the next steps. It should solve your problem.

1. Boot Your Laptop
2. Press F10 to go to BIOS Setup
3. Go to System Configuration Tab
4. Go to Device Configurations
5. Disabled “SATA Native Mode”
6. F10 for save change & Exit
7. Boot your HP 520 with Windows XP CD in CDROM

Nice to be helpful!

Ilidio Gonçalves
IT Manager and Systems Architect

thanks, im new here but this is my problem completely. i put in a hard drive and....nothing. I tried your solution but when i went to system configuration there is no device configurations, can you help further. i have a hp pavillion dv6000 as well thanks

hi guys

I have the same problem and figure out this problem after putting a lot of effort.

actually in BIOS there is no option like IMG said. so

U need third party compatibility support files/SCSI support files during your windows xp cd..

for this purpose
download the nlite software(helpful to made win XP bootable cd)

then download the DV6000 series related files from HP website include them while u made the win xp bootable CD through nLite s/w.............

i have the same problem but i am confused, could you go through this step by step, i am soooooooooooooooooooo grateful

Dear Angela

I was also created that windows xp bootable cd through this program that also includes SATA compatible drivers...

if u require then I can also upload that cd for your help......

if ur laptop is new.its d problem wd all new hp laptop they support limited version of windows vista.u shld try window vista black 2009 edition

Dear Angela

I was also created that windows xp bootable cd through this program that also includes SATA compatible drivers...

if u require then I can also upload that cd for your help......

thank you because i tried to do it myself and i am not tech enough to do it.i got all confused.could you send me a copy of cd, i will of coarse reimburse you for all expenses. could you also tell me what to do when i get the cd,
thanks again

but what will gonna happen if i disabled my sata?? any one knows? it will work as same before?? or any different?

I really thank you for this solution, it really helped me within few mins after trying for days with sleepless nite. thanks. How i wish i cud know yor email address, so i can contact you directly.

Hello! I have just registered in order to reply to you. I was having the same problem with a HP Laptop witch I can't remember the model. For me the solution was to disable SATA NATIVE MODE. Try following the next steps. It should solve your problem.

1. Boot Your Laptop
2. Press F10 to go to BIOS Setup
3. Go to System Configuration Tab
4. Go to Device Configurations
5. Disabled “SATA Native Mode”
6. F10 for save change & Exit
7. Boot your HP 520 with Windows XP CD in CDROM

Nice to be helpful!

Ilidio Gonçalves
IT Manager and Systems Architect

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