i just newly bought a desktop, already built (last time i tried to build one it didn't work out), but 3 days later it crashed on me.
i'm not sure wats in it, i know its an amd athlon 64 dual core 4000+, 1 gig ram, asus motherboard m2n-e sli, HIS X 1650 pro, 400gig sata hard disk drive, dlink wireless 108g pci adapter, running XP professional.
it won't get pass the windows loading screen, it doesn't restart, it just keeps loading for hours. when i restart it again, i have the option to go thru safe mode, last good configuration or start normally. none work. safe mode ends as it checks thru Drivers folder.
i've tried checking thru bios, it looks fine, nothing out of the ordinary, i tried reinstalling windows but every time i try to recover or reinstall it always stops at "searching for previous installed version of windows".
i can't run recovery console either, it keeps telling me to put in disk, i don't have a floppy drive. it didn't read from windows xp disc. is there one in windows xp disc? the disc is authentic.
my brother told me he accidentally tipped the cpu over then it happened. i'm not really sure if tats the caused, since my brother is only 15.
sumone please help. i bought it from a store 3 hours away from me. i don't want to make the trip on the train back there.
(I lost my license. speeding.)