OK, this has become real challange for me as I tried almost anything, now I am out of ideas...
The story:
It is my friend's old P3 comp, Runs on SOYO SY-7VBA133 mainboard, one small RAM stick, integrated everything, and small HDD.
The problem:
The PC was working perfectly untill now, then it suddenlly started restarting itself while in Windows... then it started to happen more frequently, then freezing during boot-up, and restarting and so on.
What I tried untill now:
1. formatting... restarts during set-up
2. Resetting BIOS with jumper and battery + removing cable - same problem
3. flashing BIOS - did not help, when I go to BIOS screen it shows same old version number of bios.
4. inspecting part-by-part - it says RAM, HDD are both OK.
5. Various things such as switching power to 220 Volts and back, cleaning fans etc, etc.
Now I am out of ideas and dont know why it still restarts itself and why I cant flas bios...
any suggestions? Thank you in advance