I changed the MB in my Dell E510 and had problems with it.
One of the problems was the CPU fan would run at very high speed when running under pressure. If i ran a AV scan or a HD Diag. scan
the fan would scream. I put the original MB back in and still have the Fan problem. Now even at idle the fan will run high. Any ideas.

Simple.. ditch that fan and get yourself a Zelman or Thermaltake. Bigger fan - less RPMs (read: less noise) + they look cool and glow in the dark.

I have a d5150 (i think they are the same, dell changed the naming scheme after i got it) and it did it too. Get the newest BIOS (for me thats A07) off off dell support and install it (do not turn off or interrupt your PC during the flash or it will kill it!!!) - this fixed it for me

and chaky, if he means the main front fan it is very hard to replace. My dell is BTX and has a very complicated cooling system

I took the heatsink and the processor out and cleaned off the thermal paste. Put new paste on
and reinstalled. So far so good. The fan and
heatsink on Dell E510/5150 are proprietary.

Getting a hairdrier (one with a COOL button!!!!) or compresed air and blowing it in the front vent is good too as dust gets trapped in that massive silver heatsnik (inside the black tunnel)

That area is clean. I had the box open and the heatsink off three times this week. I did use a canned air. Thanks

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