Hi, thanks for having a look at my problem.

I have a dell PC that i bought a while ago (a few years) and it has worked perfectly until yesterday. I got back from my cottage to a dead computer. I had aparently left it on over the weekend, as it was turned on when i arrived at home. The screen was black, and there was no activity.

I did a hard shutdown via the power button. When i tried to reboot is when the problem started. I got no BIOS screen. A fan started up, but my screen remained black. My monitor does NOT display a check connectivity.

If anyone can give me a hand, that would be great, i can provide lots more specific details on request.

Thanks again,

Try connecting this monitor to a different pc to make sure the monitor is working, if so, you might have a bad video adapter.

When you press power, the pc turns on? you get fans spinning, etc?

What about beep codes, are there any beeps that would indicate bad hardware?

PCs won't give video without RAM, so it could lead to bad memory. that's a worst case scenario, I think, however.

thanks for the help, but i got it working. I guess one of the RAM slipped outta place, and when i took them out and put them back in, everything booted up fine.

Every time I go out of town, I seem to get the same message from my family - and the answer is usually simple - they have left a usb stick, or a camera card inserted in the computer - so I have them remove the media device, and the computer boots up normally!

Hi, thanks for having a look at my problem.

I have a dell PC that i bought a while ago (a few years) and it has worked perfectly until yesterday. I got back from my cottage to a dead computer. I had aparently left it on over the weekend, as it was turned on when i arrived at home. The screen was black, and there was no activity.

I did a hard shutdown via the power button. When i tried to reboot is when the problem started. I got no BIOS screen. A fan started up, but my screen remained black. My monitor does NOT display a check connectivity.

If anyone can give me a hand, that would be great, i can provide lots more specific details on request.

Thanks again,

MY dell PPo3S will not boot. Sometimes When I press one of the F commands a sceen lights up but I cannot continue. Do not know which F command gets it on

MY dell PPo3S will not boot. Sometimes When I press one of the F commands a sceen lights up but I cannot continue. Do not know which F command gets it on

Hi it is normally F8 or F2,what OS do you have? Is there any beeps when you turn the PC on,the number of beeps indicate a particular problem ie

Below is a table of the most common AMI, Phoenix and Award BIOS beep codes.

AMI (American Megatrends International) BIOS Beep Codes.
AMI BIOS uses beeps of the same length and pitch. The error is displayed as a number of beeps. For example, 4 beeps indicated a timer failure.
1 Beep (No video) Memory refresh failure Bad memory
2 Beeps Memory parity error Bad memory
3 Beeps Base 64K mem failure Bad memory
4 Beeps Timer not operational Bad motherboard
5 Beeps Processor error Bad processor
6 Beeps 8042 Gate A20 failure Bad CPU or Motherboard
7 Beeps Processor exception Bad processor
8 Beeps Video memory error Bad video card or memory
9 Beeps ROM checksum error Bad BIOS
10 Beeps CMOS checksum error Bad motherboard
11 Beeps Cache memory bad Bad CPU or motherboard

Hope this helps

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