lasher511 185 Veteran Poster

Hi all,

I have just put together a brand new computer designed to have a dual display setup. Mainly for spread sheets and various other activities that would be advantaged by having two monitors. Nothing to fancy when it comes to gaming.

The Specs are:

Intel core 2 Duo 2.0 ghz
1GB Kingston 750mhz
Asus P5L-MX motherboard
Asus EN7300GS 256mb video card
2x Acer 17" flat screen monitors.

My Problem is that when i go through the Nvidia dual diaplay set up only one monitor is showing a picture the other one has just the green light comes on. I have tried swapping the displays however all this does is change the display that is having the problem. I have noticed that the display with no picture is the one plugged into the DVI port with a VGA converter that came with the Graphics card. I have also tried using a different converter with no sucess.

Any ideas that you might have would be much appreciated.