my computer will not complete the boot process. Blank screen

Alright, so what exactly does it do? the monitor doesn't display anything? or does the monitor display the bios test screen (the memory and the cpu and all the ide/sata drives)

Come back with more info please!

My computer will not complete the boot up process. The computer activity lignt (at the front of the case of a Dell dimension 2300) is active for about 10 seconds then just stops. I had a systems error prior to this happening and I had to manually shut the system down. I can not recall the error message, but since then, the system does not want to boot up. All connections are solid.

You may want to check the hard drive.

test it on a different computer or take a different hard drive and try it in this one. other than that, disconnect anything that you don't need to power the system up (all ide/sata drives,) reseat memory.

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