Chaky 191 Posting Virtuoso


I use Nokia 447PRO (NOT 447XPRO) and have 4 problems:

1 - There is no driver (inf + color profile) available (I bought it 2nd hand without the drivers & utilities CD)
2 - I've recently discovered that my graphic card isn't happy with my monitor's EDID
3 - All tools but one I found on the net have trouble reading the EDID
4 - I can't flash my monitor's EDID

First problem I have solved by creating custom inf and custom ICC profile.

For the later 3 I'm posting this thread.

I've obtained my EDID from the windows registry, and I have used ViewSonic EDID Editor (I had to type in the values manually, since it can't read from my monitor) and realized that the my EDID's checksum is invalid.

I have verified my monitor's EDID against anther 447PRO EDID dump I've stumbled across and, to my relief, only invalid value is the checksum. Only differences are with the week-year and serial no. and checksum. I've verified that dump too with the viewsonic's tool and the checksum is valid with that one, leaving only trivial values to be actually corrupt in my EDID serial no. and/or year-week and/or checksum (my suspect). I suppose that's why my VGA driver is marking it as "BAD_EDID" in the registry.

This is my EDID:

00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 39 EB BD 01 C5 CA 00 00
10 0A 01 02 0C 20 18 B9 EB 0D C8 A0 57 47 98 27
12 48 4C A5 4B 80 A9 4F A9 40 81 99 81 80 71 59
71 4F 45 59 31 59 EA 24 00 60 41 00 28 30 30 60
13 00 38 EA 10 00 00 1E 00 00 00 FD 00 32 96 1E
60 15 00 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FF 00 48
30 31 36 30 35 31 39 30 39 0A 20 20 00 00 00 FC
00 4E 4F 4B 49 41 20 34 34 37 50 52 4F 0A 00 FE

This is what it should be:

00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 39 EB BD 01 C5 CA 00 00
10 0A 01 02 0C 20 18 B9 EB 0D C8 A0 57 47 98 27
12 48 4C A5 4B 80 A9 4F A9 40 81 99 81 80 71 59
71 4F 45 59 31 59 EA 24 00 60 41 00 28 30 30 60
13 00 38 EA 10 00 00 1E 00 00 00 FD 00 32 96 1E
60 15 00 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FF 00 48
30 31 36 30 35 31 39 30 39 0A 20 20 00 00 00 FC
00 4E 4F 4B 49 41 20 34 34 37 50 52 4F 0A 00 56

I have surfed the net for the last couple of days trying to find a tool that would help me flash the monitor's EDID. I did found one that actually managed to read the EDID from the monitor (in DOS mode) but it failed to flash the new one I made.

I'm slowly running out of options. NOKIA monitors manufacture is officially property of Viewsonic, and the whole customer support for NOKIA owners is based on one driver bundle that doesn't include 447PRO. Local NOKIA customer support deals with cell phones only. Lady I talked to didn't even know that NOKIA used to make monitors too.

My official "chain of command" is Viewsonic's customer support, but they aren't too familiar with NOKIA-side of the story. I've just sent them mail concerning my problem.

My point here is:

Does anyone know where can I get a tool to flash the EDID?