I have a T6420 E Machines that powers up, but doesn't boot the keyboard/mouse is not reading. Plus the machine seems to be making a different noise than it normally did (sounds louder). Is this the motherboard or the processor. And what is an affordable alternative to put into the machine so i wont have this problem again. Any help would be appreciated.

I have a T6420 E Machines that powers up, but doesn't boot the keyboard/mouse is not reading. Plus the machine seems to be making a different noise than it normally did (sounds louder). Is this the motherboard or the processor. And what is an affordable alternative to put into the machine so i wont have this problem again. Any help would be appreciated.

sounds louder ,did you open the case to see if any or all fans are working ,also not full of dust ,could be a heating problem ,could also just be a bad power supply ,and bad power supplies lead to bad motherboard .really hard to tell you what to put in to fix it,as it it be many things . and to never have the problem again, is impossible ! you own it, you will always have problems .

I didnt know if there was a more reliable board i could put in it instead, and yes all fans are working!

giving that its a basic e-machine, i'm sure there are many boards more reliable ,

What i guess im trying to ask is there a place that can guide me to a board where i can be able to pull the old memory from the board and be able to use it. Plus if i get a new board will it come with a guide to show me where everything hooks up at,plus what do i do about an O/S. Will i have to go out and buy XP pro or home when i get a new board? Sorry for the dumb questions but just wanting to know what im about to get myself into before i start..

What i guess im trying to ask is there a place that can guide me to a board where i can be able to pull the old memory from the board and be able to use it. Plus if i get a new board will it come with a guide to show me where everything hooks up at,plus what do i do about an O/S. Will i have to go out and buy XP pro or home when i get a new board? Sorry for the dumb questions but just wanting to know what im about to get myself into before i start..

cant answer your questions because i have no idea what motherboard or type of ram is in the one you have now.yes you will get a book with the motherboard if you buy it new.you may or may not have to buy new os,when you get new board load the winxp disk you have now and see if it will activate .

Thank you, lots of help. just wanted to know some of the basics, Never had to replace a motherboard before.

Thank you, lots of help. just wanted to know some of the basics, Never had to replace a motherboard before.

your welcome!

I want to add something very important to this. I purchased TWO (2) eMachine T6420 computers just over a year ago, one for myself and the other for my mother. BOTH have failed within a few weeks of each other. At first, it seemed as though it was a power supply problem, but this did not resolve the failures.

I've done some online searching and found this:


It appears that the REAL problem is that the motherboard is being shorted out by the computer case itself and therefore frying the power supply as well as the motherboard (don't know if it fried the CPU too).

I intend to discuss this issue with an attorney and see if this can be the basis of a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT against Gateway/eMachines.

IMHO, Gateway/eMachines have provided a defective product!!!

to funny the second worse computer company ,Gateway ,take over the leading worse computer company ,eMachines', lol and people expect it to be better!

Well, Then it looks like i need to strip anything i can from my E machine and just go buy another type of computer. Then i can just take everything from my old one and upgrade my new one. Thanks and i'll try to keep up on what happens witha suit. Would be nice to be reimbursed for a defective machine twice now.

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