I am up against a wall on a Proliant with a 3300 es raid card and seven 18.2 drives configured as a raid level 5.
we had a drive fail in the array and replaced the drive, by accident we installed a 9.1 gig drive instead of the correct 18.2, after discovering the mistake (a few days later) we installed the correct 18.2 drive and we still have a drive failure. yes I ordered a second 18.2 from you and still the same error.
running smart start raid diagnostics the test indicates the (correct 18.2) "drive is to small a capacity replace with the correct drive" so the card thinks it is looking at a 9.1 gig drive. the array configuration manager indicates a missing drive and won't let me modify the configuration until I replace the drive.
anyone got a fix before I wipe the card and the os to rebuild it all, this is a live server
Before I destroy and rebuild the configuration this weekend loosing the Win2003 server Operating system! anyone any thoughts or the name of a guru that may advise me of a fix?