Hello everyone,
I am faced with tricky situation. I have an emachine computer the model is T2984 and the dam thing died recently. I think that the mother board is fried. The thing is that about 10 months ago I upgraded the the ram to 2 GB and also the graphics card (cost me a good bit of cash). The slot on this mother board is pci slots. I was thinking what if I just get a new mother board with a dual core processor or something like that. And reuse the parts from the the old emachine like the hard drive, the cd/dvd rom, the ram cards the graphics card, the wireless wi-fi card, the case and the power supply. Will this work? or is it to good to be true.

Depends how bad the mobo got fried. most of the time they should be okay, but you should really buy new ones.

btw, you might have killed your emachines with the 2gb and decent gfx card. The power supplies in them are crapp - there maxed out just with the factory configuration, so the extra drain probably melted it.

Also, get a new case. Im pretty sure E machines cases are like dells, custom - nothing standard will fit in them

Depends how bad the mobo got fried. most of the time they should be okay, but you should really buy new ones.

btw, you might have killed your emachines with the 2gb and decent gfx card. The power supplies in them are crapp - there maxed out just with the factory configuration, so the extra drain probably melted it.

Also, get a new case. Im pretty sure E machines cases are like dells, custom - nothing standard will fit in them

Ok thanks for the advice. What do you think about this MoBo? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813121080&ATT=13-121-080&CMP=

Will this work with the other parts I have from the old emachine? along with a power supply upgrade.

drives and cards will work

Non sure about the CPU (not my area) but i THINK a pentium 4 aught to fit in it.

Not a clue about the ram either

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