Yeh I had webtrust installed b4 I deleted my bloody profile. It's not always accurate I just want you to know.
I have absolutely no idea what program you are talking about but the add-on I am talking about ISN'T something called webtrust (I have never heard of that) it is Web Of Trust W.O.T. there is NO profile required for Web Of Trust, there is no registration, nothing, it is simply a browser add on that warns you before you interact with a risky website, period. It doesn't stop you from going there, it just tells you if the site is risky, you can read the reasons why on the scorecard for the website and make your own decision to go there or not.
Click Tale got on there & they have a great program. I told them about it & they were shocked.
If you mean this web site, why would they be shocked or concerned, their web site gets a favorable rating.
I saw that Xobni & didn't know what that was either although it looks interesting, but I don't use Outlook anymore, so why would I install it?
I don't know Why you would install it, I frankly don't care, but it can't install itself. I don't care who installed something, you asked the question and I am giving you the answer according to your logs. I didn't say this Xobini program was a bad program I am just telling you what WAS/IS installed on the machine.
Do a search for OpenCandy. Start, Search, Files and Folders and be sure to click Advanced and
Search system folders, Search hidden folders, Search subfolders. When the search is complete then delete all that is found.
By the way, in case you didn't know exactly what this Open Candy program does; it monitors your web searches and pops a window on your screen (even though I have block popups selected) asking if you would like to download a program that is selected for you.