Shoppinit 0 Newbie Poster

I thought I was secure, but earlier someone started remote controlling my PC while I was using it. They opened task manager and an open file dialog in an open acrobat reader window (by mistake I guess). In the filename edit box they typed "you got owned". This in the time it took me to pull the plug.

This surprised me because I'm quite "aware" in terms of security. Or at least I thought I was.

I think what happened was that I opened ports 20 and 21 in my router and then an exploit in either Typsoft ftp server or RealVNC (4.1.2) was used to take control of my machine. It has to be RealVNC, surely? This happened 10 mins after opening the ports.

I'm quite shaken up by this and I'm now furiously scanning to see if any malware has been installed. Luckily i was in front of the screen to see stuff start happening.

What could have happened? And how can I protect myself in future?


PS. I use ZoneAlarm, AVG Free, Keep XP (pro sp3) up to date and I don't use P2P.

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