My laptop averatec 3150 XP service pack 2 has completely died and İ have no idea what do to.
Whan İ start the computer it freezes on the load page when İ sign in. just does not go any further.
When İ go into safe mode it ın my account it is just a black screen and it says task manager has been blocked by adimistrator (which it started saying a week or so ago in normal mode but İ did not do this at the same time İ got a virus). So İ go into safe mode under administrator and it is the same black screen with safe mode ıin white in the corners. İ open task manager and it shows my cpu usage ıs 100% shared between task manager. svchost and. system idle (i am doing this from memory so possibly there are some spelling or word mistakes there)
When i try to do anything with task manager it freezes and stops responding. İ try run a new task and it freezes.
About a week ago i was surfing the internet and a message came up on my desktop (replacıng my wallpaper) with something along the lines of - your İP address has been hacked - someone may be able to get into your computer etc etc and it listed my İP addy and the type of computer İ was using. İ installed and ran spyware doctor and ıt removed 1500 vırus`. Then everytime after that when İ surf the net a little black screen would show up in place of a page I was looking at and then my spyware doctor would ask me if i wanted to veiw it and of course İ wouldnt...
Then yesterday the same thing came up on my desktop - YOUR IP address has been hacked etc etc... İ ignored it for a moment then restarted my computer and was going to run spyware doctor upon restarting and have not been able to get into my computer since.
Another point may or may not be worth noting is that İ started using adobe premier a few days ago and memory was running low (30gb hardrive and only 4 or so left) and then adobe started saying - a serious problem has occured - and the program would shut... İ was able to reopen. But the last time it happened was the last time İ restarted the computer. - Thıs may not be linked but İ thought İ would mention it as my experience with editing is macs are much better and my poor little laptop may not have been able to handle it? Could this be an overheating problem or? as you can see i dont much about computers...
İs it possible to network another pc to mine and fix the problem that way?
İ am trying to avoid a reboot as İ am a backpacker and my whole life is on that laptop - photos - screenwriting - everything... İ am in Turkey and scared to take it anywhere as İ dont speak Turkish...
Please please can someone help me...