All I want to know is how to install simple programs such as winrar for linux, I think the format is tar.gz what do I do if they is no help file or readme.

I am a n00b so basic steps would be really handy,

also I have tried the package manager and winrar cannot be found.

Bondi :-/

If you're using Debian, it's probably easier simply to install it through the dpkg package management system. First, make sure that in your /etc/apt/sources.list file you have the word non-free after your main repository line. In other words, the first line of your file should look something like this:

deb stable main contrib [B]non-free[/B]

Now run the following at the terminal:

$ su
<enter password>
# apt-get update
# apt-get install rar

It's a lot simpler than compiling and installing software.

Lol :'(

So n00bish i'm not sure, I have the winrar.tar.gz I dont know how to install it could you make it a bit simpler lol sorry :(

>I dont know how to install it could you make it a bit simpler
I have made it simpler. The instructions for installing the winrar.tar.gz file would be even more complex and have a lot more places to get stuck.

Basically, try entering this first in a terminal window:

<enter password>
apt-get install rar

If that doesn't work, you need to add 'non-free' to your list of repositories, described in the first bit of my previous post.

By simpler, maybe he's intimidated by the terminal?

You could open Synaptic or your package manager and install the package rar .

I'll give that ago when I get to my server this week :P


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