i've looked through just about every webpage out their on this topic and i just cant get it to work.

have any of you got apache and tomcat working together through mod_jk?

i'm trying to get this working on windows 2000 (desktop), using apache2 and tomcat 5.5. its loading up the mod_jk.dll but when i get to workers.properties file, the startup halts and gives the message that the workers.properties file can not be found and there is a syntax error in httpd.

-------extract from httpd---------------------------

#Tomcat conf
JkWorkersFile C:/Tomcat5/conf/jk/workers.properties (line of syntax error)
JkLogFile C:/Tomcat5/logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel info
JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "

JkMount /*.jsp ajp13






can anyone help?



I would start by going through workers.properties line by line and check for your syntax error or misssing file there.. This is so much easier in linux.

happy hunting. im glad im not you.

tell me about it, its always easyer in linux.

from the windows error logs i can see two entrys, one says syntax error in the httpd, the other says cant find file workers.properties.

so i'm not convinced that the workers file is wrong, just that it cant be used due to the syntax error in the httpd.

if you have any further thoughts let me know

many thanks


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