Hi All,

I am having fedora latest version and vista OSs in my system.
Yesterday accidentally i have deleted the boot folder from fedora. After that when i try to restart/start my system it is hanging and showing me 'grub>' terminal. I tried with linux bootable cd but the same 'grub>' is coming.

Is there any way to construct boot dir again?

Is there any way to boot my vista ? since i only deleted the fedora boot dir.

I dont want to format or reinstall any thing..

Your help is highly appreciated


Yes, you can access vista. All you have to do is go to your bios (press the del button during boot screen). Then in the boot priority make sure the hdd that vista is installed on is number one on the list. press f10 to save and restart and that should be all there is to it.

Yes, you can access vista. All you have to do is go to your bios (press the del button during boot screen). Then in the boot priority make sure the hdd that vista is installed on is number one on the list. press f10 to save and restart and that should be all there is to it.

I tried this.. how can i know whic hdd partiotion is used for vista and how to give that as boot option?

run the vista setup cd and try startup repair

Hi All,

I am having fedora latest version and vista OSs in my system.
Yesterday accidentally i have deleted the boot folder from fedora. After that when i try to restart/start my system it is hanging and showing me 'grub>' terminal. I tried with linux bootable cd but the same 'grub>' is coming.

Is there any way to construct boot dir again?

Is there any way to boot my vista ? since i only deleted the fedora boot dir.

I dont want to format or reinstall any thing..

Your help is highly appreciated


Hey you!

You got bad advices from these funny guys ;) You should insert your GNU/Linux installation CD or DVD into the driver. Restart your computer (just make sure that the first bootable media is your CD or DVD driver in your BIOS). After you can make a booting through your original GNU/Linux CD or DVD and you can restore your GNU/Linux system. After all you can use your system like always ;)

There are two ways one is repair windows and other is install grub.

to install grub follow below steps

step1: boot from cd

step2: at promt type "linux rescue"

step3: then type "chroot /mnt/sysimage" if root is mounted inder /mnt/sysimage

step4: grub-install /dev/hda or /dev/sda if hdd is IDE type /dev/hda,if it SATA type /dev/sda

Step5: reboot machine

If any clarification feel free to contact

Good Luck!!!!

Hi All,

I am having fedora latest version and vista OSs in my system.
Yesterday accidentally i have deleted the boot folder from fedora. After that when i try to restart/start my system it is hanging and showing me 'grub>' terminal. I tried with linux bootable cd but the same 'grub>' is coming.

Is there any way to construct boot dir again?

Is there any way to boot my vista ? since i only deleted the fedora boot dir.

I dont want to format or reinstall any thing..

Your help is highly appreciated


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