I have a P III 533Mhz,with 64 Mb of RAM and i'm trying to install Red Hat 8.0.......but i'm not able to do it successfully.
The installation process goes fine until the actual copyin of files begins, when it flashes this message....."ERROR 12: cant load into memory"....and the installation terminates.......is this happening bcoz of the 64Mb memory??? or is there any other problem?
i have done all the proper partioning of my harddisk with a 4gb ext2 and a 300mb swap partition............Please HELP!!!

From what I can tell it needs 32 meg minimum...

Are you using an automated install?

Any other operating systems on the drive?

Any command line parameters being passed?

I am still a novice at this...

From what I can tell it needs 32 meg minimum...

Are you using an automated install?

Any other operating systems on the drive?

Any command line parameters being passed?

I am still a novice at this...

I have WINDOWS running on another drive ....as for the installation thing i dont know what do u exactly mean by a automatic install


First, please spell out the words. We say "because" here, not bcoz. Think of it as training for the professional world. Most of us here speak / write American English, although a few good folk come from overseas, and you will see British spellings. You get the point. :)

I am thinking two possibilities: bad ram, or problems with the swap partition.

Turn your computer off, and remove the RAM sticks. Make sure there is no dust in there. Lightly clean the gold/silver fingers with a soft cloth. Re-insert. Try it again. Maybe in a different order (unless you have one big DIMM).

You might also have a bad installation CD. Have you used this set of 8.0 somewhere else before? Might need to burn another set of disks.


I checked on Bugzilla and it is a common problem on many systems even though 7.2 7.3 dont have the problem...

If you were to do a TEXT only install it should go through...


Go back to 7.2 or 7.3 or up to 9

thnx 4 da advise on spelling mistake ...actually u c i'm new 2 this professional envion......but will try to get used 2 it ..... :lol:

OKAY to the problem.......i tried doing installation in the text mode...but the problem persists.
Also if there would hav been any problem with the RAM as u said then Windows shouldnt have worked either...but it works fine!!
And for the CD...i have a brand new one and lookks scratchless.
- sandeep

Try an older or newer distro...

8 has problems...

Sounds to me:

If you have windows alrady running on another HD in the same machine that would 95% rule out RAM errors.

The drive you are installing on may be bad.

You media may be bad - run the checksum on the download.

Red Hat 8, well, I think it sucks. I've had multiple problems with that particular version in general :evil: . Try newest version of redhat / Fedora.

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