Hi, I thought I would give linux a try. Is there a free version that is similar to linspire that I can download the .isos online? Also, can I set-up windows xp and linux with that MS Virtual PC?


First, don't post twice the same question...
Second, you can download almost every Linux distro for free. For beginers, I'd recommend Mandrake, as it's very easy to install it.
I don't know anything about MS Virtual PC, but I think it's almost the same as Conectix Virtual PC (I used to use it); it let you to set up a virtual machine where you can install any OS you want.

First, don't post twice the same question...
Second, you can download almost every Linux distro for free. For beginers, I'd recommend Mandrake, as it's very easy to install it.
I don't know anything about MS Virtual PC, but I think it's almost the same as Conectix Virtual PC (I used to use it); it let you to set up a virtual machine where you can install any OS you want.

Third, I didn't try to post it twice.

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