I have installed apache (httpd-2.0.53.tar.bz2) on Fedora Core 3. Whenever I start the service using the command /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start, it starts successfully.
In my browser if I give
the page opens properly without any error.
But if i give
(which is my ip).......................it shows connection timed out. Because of which I am unable to host a webpage from my computer.
What should I do to solve this problem...........Please help

If you are getting a connection timed out, that means that there is something blocking port 80 on your connection, this could be your ISP, most likely however it is a software firewall or some program on your local machine that can not access that port.

To raghavendrak:
From what I've read, you cannot access your server via (WAN address) if you are inside your local area network (LAN). But you Do use the address if you are outside your LAN.

What do you have for ListenAddress? If you point it to something like then that may be messing you up -try just 'Listen 80', and also if you're using NameVirtualHost directives, be sure that the wan ip is in that.
Also, look and make sure that iptables is allowing all port 80 traffic through.

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