=OTS=G-Man 26 Light Poster

Hello, I'm having an issue getting my redirect working and I think its just because Ive been looking at it too long.

Ok here it goes, I have 2 redirects going on because of the amount of domain names and old links coming to the different sites.

First heres the folder layout

in the root, we have the main site, then in a sub folder "/churchinstrumentalist.com" we host a separate site but it used to be just in "/churchinstrumentalist" so in the root folder the .htaccess is

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule churchinstrumentalist/?(.*) http://www.churchinstrumentalist.com/$1 [R,NC]

*http://www.churchinstrumentalist.com/ is the new, main, domain that points to the /churchinstrumentalist.com folder

This seems to be working right, because heres an example URL


gets changed to


Now inside the /churchinstrumentalist.com folder i have another htaccess that handels the bulk of the changes and they all work except the one that checks if the URL contains /catalog/detail.asp

here is the htaccess in that folder

ErrorDocument 404 /?404,136
RewriteEngine On

#Route instrumentalsource.com -> churchinstrumentalist.com
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} instrumentalsource.com$
RewriteRule ^(.+) http://www.churchinstrumentalist.com/$1 [L,R]

#Route theinstrumentalsource.net -> churchinstrumentalist.com
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} theinstrumentalsource.net$
RewriteRule ^(.+) http://www.churchinstrumentalist.com/$1 [L,R]

#Route anylinks to detail.asp to search
RewriteRule ^catalog/detail\.asp.+pid=([a-zA-Z0-9]*).* http://www.churchinstrumentalist.com/?search-results,4&sPhrase=$1 [R]   <--  line that seems to be failing

#Route any links to old subfolders to site root now
RewriteRule publishers(/)?.* http://www.churchinstrumentalist.com/ [R,NC]
RewriteRule order(/)?.* http://www.churchinstrumentalist.com/ [R,NC]
RewriteRule specials(/)?.* http://www.churchinstrumentalist.com/ [R,NC]

Whats happening is its just going to my 404 page, and unlike all the other redirects, the address bar does not change to the proper URL for searching.

Hope this makes scene, and I didn't over complicate things


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