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36 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for a_salted_peanut

to get the PHP style MD5 output you have to use [b]FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile[/b] from the [B]System.Web.Security[/B] name space. So you will need to add the system.web.dll to your references. Also you have to watch the encoding, to match PHP's i had to use Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(). Thanks for asking the question, because i …

Member Avatar for DotNetNewbie5
Member Avatar for Jaydenn

TCPView from sysinternals is a good tool to see if there is a process thats sending data that you not aware of [url][/url]

Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man
Member Avatar for mbarandao

There is 2 ways you can do this, depending on what you have available to you at the time of saving. If you have the data that was already in the field available in a variable, then best to just use PHP to append the addition to the string. or …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for feoperro

Might be there are some leading 's in your img tags. IE src="\images\image.jpg" = \www\images\image.jpg src="images\image.jpg" = \www\project\images\image.jpg Also, if by deploy you mean make accessable outside your server. Just click on the Wamp icon in the system tray and click "Put Online" by default Wamp only allows access from …

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for Barrett1

could just try to request the username your looking into with the profile feed [url][/url] should get a 404 with [B]User not found[/B] in the body, if the user is not created.or a normal feed if they exist. More info here [url][/url]

Member Avatar for Barrett1
Member Avatar for nia.123
Member Avatar for chrisbrunke
Member Avatar for h0neydip

looks like you are missing the closing } to your switch statement also, if I'm remembering right, the way your switch is setup, your "show" case is always going to show, because of the missing break in the "process". Might be the way you wanted it, but just in case …

Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man
Member Avatar for programmer12

mysql_fetch_array() returns an array with indexes, not field names. You can pass the optional paramater MYSQL_ASSOC like so, mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC) or you may use mysql_fetch_assoc() and that will return the array with field names. Hope it helps.

Member Avatar for programmer12
Member Avatar for jeep ney

is the screen you are getting looks like the image attached? if so, choose the option [B]Disable automatic restart on system failure[/B] and see if there is a blue screen causing the restart. On the blue screen it should have and error message on its own line in all caps, …

Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man
Member Avatar for johnt68

Well i see a few things that seem to be missing, 1) What ddanbe said, but on all of them, to see if its between should be checking for > and < 2) I dont see where you set [B]numGrade[/B] to anything other then 0. at the top of your …

Member Avatar for johnt68
Member Avatar for jamal.yaqub

Actually I think the FileName and Arguments mixed up because the final command yours is running would look like C:\> perl and is not an executable. so i think it should be. [CODE]p.StartInfo.FileName = "perl"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = " " + ipAddress;[/CODE]

Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man
Member Avatar for Sorcher

Well you wont be able to stop the upload itself, because it is sent with the POST. But from the looks of your script, Just need to rearrange it so that you can stop from saving script files. Think you should do the ban check first before adding the entry …

Member Avatar for Sorcher
Member Avatar for bloodyjoe

Well looks like your passing the whole $_FILES array to the billede class in class.billede.php. so your changes would most likely need to be in there. But with out seeing it, cant say where in that file.

Member Avatar for imvivekkapoor
Member Avatar for nyler01

Access is not the bes Database platform unless your only expecting to use it internally and with very VERY little activity. But none the less it can be done, here is an example that shows you how, using ADODB, you can also use ODBC but I always found ADODB easier …

Member Avatar for nyler01
Member Avatar for jovypinoy

If you are running XP Pro. you can use the net command to activate login restrictions. From an administrator account: 1) Click the Start menu and choose Run. 2) type in [B]cmd[/B] in the dialog that opens. 3) In the command window, type [B]net user SiblingsAccount /time:M-F,00:00-20:00[/B] This will limit …

Member Avatar for jovypinoy
Member Avatar for keithbadeau

If you doing a full install of Windows 7, none of the preinstalled applications will stay. The only way to use them again is if they came on a separate CD that you can install after installing 7, but manufactures rarely do that anymore now that most use a restore …

Member Avatar for keithbadeau
Member Avatar for NH1

no idea if this is how, and am just thinking about it in my head but shouldn't the line be dr.BackgroundColor = Color.Blue; since dr is the row you are working on.

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for dalip_007

well it all depends on what the site you are searching is. if it is YouTube they have API available to search and get all the info you need, other sites might have APIs as well. here is youTubes PHP API reference [url][/url] If the site doesn't have an API …

Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man
Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man

Hello everyone, I am working on a C# app that uses the YouTube .NET API but have come up with an issue, and I'm not sure if its the .NET Wrapper or just something I'm Doing. Ok heres the problem, I request the list of videos the logged in user …

Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man
Member Avatar for zachattack05

Well its good if you have user controls, VS will auto add your control to the toolbox and will also build the control when you compile your app that uses it. also its nice when working on multiple DLLs or a project that uses DLLs that you have/written source for …

Member Avatar for zachattack05
Member Avatar for bolitho

there is no native x64 version of Flash player yet. but to install the x86 version just point your browser to [url][/url] and follow the instructions If you are using Internet Explorer, make sure you are not using the one with (64-bit) in the title, Flash will not install in …

Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man
Member Avatar for aro_kai

might be better posting this in the Java section ;) [url][/url]

Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man
Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man

Hello everyone, Im trying to get my server setup for a small web hosting type system (for friends). everything is working except subdomains ive used vhost_alias for ever when i was just hosting my site to do wildcard subdomains. But I can'e seem to get it working on more then …

Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man

Hello everyone I have an issue here that I couldn't find much info about, I saw a lot about it when people where selecting a lot of data but not on an insert. Heres some background. I have an application that adds items from our in house order/inventory manager to …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for ishFady

shouldn't need the LoadFile line My full PHP stuff from mt httpd.conf is LoadModule php5_module "d:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.0/php5apache2_2.dll" AddType application/x-httpd-php .php AddType application/x-httpd-php .php3 Hope this helps you

Member Avatar for vardsolo
Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man

Hello, Got a question for you all. I have a mass email script that sends emails out in a round robin using 15 unchecked email address (GoDaddy only allows something like 250 emails a day per address). The problem I have is if an email bounces back it goes to …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for bhanu1225

Sounds like you want a CMS (Content Management System) you can find alot of info about them at [url][/url]

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for 68kb_

16 classes... thats all they have? [url][/url] is way better for classes even if there site is one of the ugliest sites I have ever seen :)

Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man
Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man

Sorry if this is in the wrong section but there really is no category that matches what i need to ask, I only posted here because it seems a lot of Delphi people use DBISAM. Basically, I read the manual and see where I can read the current auto_inc value …

Member Avatar for guruvarman

Any specific Errors? also I would check the SQL host, if its a shared host, they usually don't use localhost.

Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man

The End.