I'm new to linux. I want to configure a linux server in my network to manage network users. ex:- loging time, resources ..etc.
What is the best linux server os for this. Pls help me.

What do you think? Did you obtain any other recommendations?

Thank you very much for your recommendations. i will try and mail you back.



you might take a look at the following link http://ubuntuforums.org/
I have found help on a number of issues there. Good luck.

I feel Fedora and Red Hat (if requirements are professional) are far less demanding on your server then any other version.
They have the auditing Deamon which is good in keeping log details.
Detailed log of each and every movement will be available in /var/log/ folders.

I think Redhat (RHEL 5), fedora is best for server point of view, if you looking for desktop then ubuntu, suse 11.1, Mandriva, slackware, is best
for there amazing look & feel.

One another option is Debian for server point of view

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